Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." ~ Ben Williams

I don't envy those who go home after a long, stressful day to an empty house or apartment, with no sweet furry critter to greet them. I know when I get home today my big puppy with be there in his "den" with ears flat and tail tappin' waiting to have me coo to him while I pet and scratch all his worries away. Little does he know just how wonderful it feels to have him appreciate me; he says nothing but never has the saying "actions speak louder than words" been so true. He gets so excited to be out and see me that he hops around, tail wagging, stopping only to be rubbed or scratched. I'd like to be able to bend down and snoodle him, giving him kisses, but he's so wired up at that point that I'd get a fat lip (and have in the past) if I get too close to his head. He's a head-butter. Poor hubby learned that two days in a row with a bloody nose both times. I think this calls for an injury inventory...

Me: fat lip, scratched gums (YES, I SAID GUMS), "black" eye, two cracks to the bridge of my nose, bite on my torso, bite on my right upper arm, two falls, whopping big bruise to my right calf, various scratches and bruises. That about covers my puppy love taps.

J: two bloody noses, a fat lip, a twisted ankle (twice), a head-but or two, bruising over most of his body and various scratches, blisters on toes from walking puppy.

So far, neither of us have had to go to the doctor or hospital. We are fortunate because a puppy can be very energetic and clumsy, but a 75 lb. puppy can be disastrous. Hubby and I are still looking forward to the day when we can introduce Chief to the rest of our family. Sometimes it's like having a new baby, and addition to the family. I'm by no means trying to say having a dog is the same as having a child, but we are just as proud. Chief definitely makes our little family complete. He occupies a different place in our hearts than Hobbes does, but he's definitely left his mark on us - no pun in tended.

My sweet hubby (BC-Before Chief) before we were married...ahhh, youth! He didn't know what was about to hit him!


Dinahsoar said...

Jay looks great in the picture..he could have been a male model...Chief is more like a horse...but you gotta love him...he has a happy heart.

Robin said...

Have tried posting twice and blogger keeps freezing up. Here's hoping this makes it!
My neph-dog is all boy, apparently! Your poor nose! I've had one giant fat lip from Barn years ago. We were going in for a smooch at the same time and bam!Stayed swollen for about two days. I told everyone I got botox in only one part of my lip, ha, ha!
Ah, sweet youth. Jay was pretty . . .