For you gals out there who have good, caring, responsible husbands, give them a big hug and do something extra special for them today. Sometimes we can take these gems for granted. My hubby is a bread-winner, bill-writer, cook, counsellor, friend, accountant, dog walker, planner, lover, nurse...well, the list just goes on and on! He takes it upon himself to do nice things for me that he knows I like - such as his cooking. One of my favorite things is when he says he will take care of dinner. I swear, there can be a can of beans and some fruit in the cubbard and the main can whip up a miracle meal. The way he takes care of me and puppy is so endearing. I just don't know what we would do without him. And he can read me and my moods, God love him. Although I tell him every day just how much I love him, sometimes words need to be emphasized with actions.
I know my hubby's favorites too, and I try never to get lax with these things. Right now, one of his BIG favs is Chief. While loving and playing with Chief is so easy, caring for him is more time-consuming and can be tiring. J takes the brunt of puppy's care, especially taking him in the mornings. Those cold, cold, dark mornings when he has to play ball and walk Chief. Did I mention it's cold and dark? And winter hasn't even begun yet - we're talking snow and ice yet. Brrrrr! J took so much time and effort researching what type of dog to get us, mainly for my protection (so he says...), but when it comes to puppy's care, J has stepped up and is an outstanding Pack leader.
If my best friend is reading this, be assured I also know many of your other favorites. I will be sure to do these things for you as you so unselfishly do mine for me. You have taught me not just about love, but support and giving. I hope I have done the same for you. I hope you know how proud you make me. I hope you know that I realize just how much you give of yourself to me (and Chief).
I know if puppy could put his two-cents in this note, it would be all about playing ball - but it would be about playing ball with his best friend J. That sums up the love of a pet for his master. Something Chief and I have in common.
Chief has grown..but is as lean as ever...Jay looks like he's lost weight...that's a lot of dog food! Looking forward to see you in Dec.! Wonder if Chief will remember us?
The Chiefster is looking good!!!
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