Monday, April 21, 2008

Poop and Play: a recipe for disaster

Memo to me: don't let the puppy carry ANYTHING unchecked into the house.
Funny story...Chief appeared to finally have learned to play alone out in the backyard yesterday and his parents couldn't have been happier. Then (dramatic pause)...disaster struck. J and I were patiently waiting for puppy to have his last poop for the day while he played a bit. We kept a semi-close watch while waiting, but apparently we missed his first poop which was our first mistake. After I saw him take what was his second poop and picking that up, I called him inside for the night. Second mistake. The horse came galloping inside very happy with his gooey tennis ball companion in his mouth when J perked up in a semi-panic. The stink could've cleared sailors out of a bar. The dog had not only rolled in his poop, but his ball had been dunked in it too! We ran Chief back outside and I tried in vain to wipe the poop off, but a bath was the only solution. Plus, we had to get him through the house and up the stairs to bathe him. So, I put some homemade paper towel booties on all four paws and up we went - to J's bathroom. Meanwhile, J and I were laughing, he at my dry heaves and at Chief walking like a prancing horse in his booties. Other than the slop J had to mop up in his bathroom, it wasn't such a bad experience. I think puppy might argue with me. He wasn't exactly pleased to be tricked into getting into J's tub only to be watered and scrubbed like the foul-smelling mongrel he was. Poor hubby, he had to get into the tub first before Chief would go in, so he got a crappin' bath too. We both got sprayed each time the dog shook. It was like a dirty, stinky Niagara Falls in that tiny bathroom. Wish I had taken a few pix, but who thinks about that during such a disaster?

1 comment:

Dinahsoar said...

Ewwww.stinky puppy..just too funny. You will laugh about this for a long time to come...I'll never forget the time Little Bit carried a mouse in her mouth into the house...I learned then to check her out before she came in...I had a time catching that mouse...good thing it was already half dead...I may have never caught late for work that day too...