I'd like to say I can judge the type of day I will have at work based on my puppy's mood, but Chief's mood is always the same...playful. The first week of looking after him, I lost three pounds. Granted that J was out of town on business so I had morning and evening exercise duty, but really - three pounds. I'm not complaining at all. But I have to give a shout out to parents around the world. Well...parents who do a good job anyway. This 70 lb. baby is keeping his parents worn out! A friend of mine told me "A tired dog is a good dog," and this is so true, but what happens when the dog has exhausted parents? J and I would just love to be able to sleep through the night past 3:00 a.m.
The fence for puppy is going in! It should be finished by tomorrow morning. The whole family is excited for this addition because we are all hoping Chief will get some of his exercise on his own rather than wearing his dear parents ragged. The question in my mind is: will he learn to play alone?
My sweet husband is feeling the burn too. He gets up with puppy for that 3 a.m. wee outside, and after that Chief doesn't want to settle back down. So, J shuts the bedroom door. It's hard to go back to sleep after bundling up and standing out in the freezing night while your horse of a dog takes his leisurely time to eventually wizz. It's a pathetic moment when you're overjoyed that your dog relieved itself before your hair is so frozen it breaks off in your hand.
At least I know Spring is coming; I can smell it in the air. The temperature was up to 50 today and it was so nice to be able to walk Chief without wearing three shirts, two pairs of sweats, scarf, gloves and a coat. I look like "a tick ready to pop" on our walks. Hey, maybe that's why I lost three pounds.
I'd love a cookie and a nap right now.
I feel ya. When we got Barn, he was 6 weeks old. At that age, they have to go out every couple hours at least, and immediately after eating or drinking because they just can't hold it.
So we had to set the alarm clock for every two hours to take him out. We did that for two weeks. Then, we set the alarm clock for every three hours. We did that for two weeks. Then every four hours, for two weeks. Then every five hours, for two weeks. You get the picture! Finally came the day when he could sleep through the night. The first time I got a solid six hours, it felt like I had slept a day away! Plus, we got the little guy in January, so I understand the cold part!
So glad your fence is going in! I'm sure that after awhile Chief will get used to being out by himself. There will be lots of smells to explore and sounds to learn about. It'll be awesome to not have to bundle up but just turn his butt loose in the backyard at 3 a.m. and go back to bed!
Thanks for posting the new pix of Chief. He's so handsome and appears to have sat well for the picture. I swear, it looks like he's smiling. Loved your profile picture, too!
Don't know if you've been to my blog recently, but we learned that Pete does NOT have cancer. What a relief. We thought we were going to have to go through that horrific ordeal we did with Snuggies for four years. But hurray and praise the Lord! The tumor tissues was not cancerous!
After the fence goes in, I'd love to see some pictures of Chief romping in his new digs!
Chief looks adorable in his picture!!! Such a cute guy and looks so fun loving...can't wait to meet him...
He'll settle down eventually...although my Indian friend's dog is 9 years old and he still plays like a puppy..he frolics and gets excited over treats...but he does know how to entertain himself too...and he doesn't have to go out at night now...she takes him out around 9pm and then not again until the next morning...he stays in all day too while she's teaching and he hold its....the fence should help...Chief can run his little legs off..
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