The weekend was a furry, high energy blurr. My hard-working, sweet husband made it home safely Friday night from a trip out of town. The weather was a snowy mess so I and his dog were a little worried. But, God is good.
J is the best of husbands. When he saw I was a bit tired from caring for Chief on my own all week, he promised to take care of puppy so I could rest up. I even got a nap on Saturday. I'm sure my greater-than-great sis-in-law can appreciate a good nap...and a good husband. I was also able to get a hair appointment in Saturday evening. Very relaxing.
Chief is starting to break out of his shell at home. He is definitely a people person in that he wants to be with J or me, but preferably both. He'll search high and low if one of us is hiding or goes missing without him knowing where. A true watch dog. When he's sleepy or just waking up, he is at his sweet best. He's a cuddler. A big, 75-lb. cuddler. My in-laws are supposed to visit from TN in April and we can't wait to see how Chief acquaints himself with them. I know my father-in-law will be laid back and relaxed. He's a lot like my husband. My mom-in-law is a different story. She likes animals, but watch out Miss C! He's a licker! Nothing like Barney, but Chief is so affectionate, he'll just use you as his pillow.
Since Chief is so young, he's also a bit clumsy. So much so, we're worried he might hurt himself running around after his all-important BALL. The guy hates to be without a tennis ball in his mouth. If he's not chomping or chasing one, he's gagging on one while pouncing like a cat on another. Never seen a dog that is so cat-like before. It's soooooo disgusting because of the slobber. We all know what a fan of slobber I am. The poor puppy slips, slides and skids into every wall and table and chair in our house. I wonder if he's as bruised and battered as I am, but I can't see it for all the fur?
Nevertheless, this is one dog that can bring out the affection in anyone. God is good.