My faithful friend has been sick and is today at the vet hooked up to an iv for hydration. Poor fella. We're hoping all is righted soon, and suspect a soup bone is to blame for his condition, but he may also be suffering from his teenage hormonal drive. You see, hubby and I set Chief up on a play date with two lovelies, both female (ages 8 and 2) on Saturday afternoon. Being new dog owners, we didn't realize that we were exposing the boy to a female who was not fully out of her heat cycle. So for three hours our teenage horn-dog did his level best to get lucky with Zoey, a beautiful Weimaraner. Because we didn't know this was like abusive torture to the guy, we never allowed the deed to be consummated. Lord knows he was a tenacious bugger. Following that day, Chief seemed depressed with little interest in food or play. He played a little ball, but he just wasn't his high-energy, fun-loving self. Then he got sick because of the soup bone, at least that's what we're guessing. J took him back to the vet this morning where puppy is going to stay until this evening. I hope the vet can get him to eat. What a Casanova! We got some excellent pictures though. I'll have to get those posted soon. Now that I know what was going on during that Saturday afternoon romp, it might be little like posting doggy porn. Nahhh, not really. But I find it disturbing none-the-less because as his mom, I don't like to imagine my puppy growing old enough for that sort of activity.
I predict it will be a quiet weekend at home with my guys since the pup is going to be recovering. A little quiet time is always welcome. Just as my title's quote says, sometimes "doing nothing is not boring - it('s) peace." In this busy, impatient world, I prefer some time to decompress, to listen to nothing, to be still. After being at school all day with all of the energy and bustle around me, with so much noise crashing on my ears and bothering my brain, I need stillness. This will be the first afternoon since we adopted Chief that I'm going to have that again. And I just don't know if I'm going to like that at all. I miss my pup.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Monday, Monday...

Mmmmmm, coffee! But do you need that caffeine?
Hubby and I are considering some improvements on our house which can be stressful under even the most pleasant situations. And my poor J doesn't need any more stress in his already tightly-wound life. On top of having high blood pressure, the stress of work and finances just add more worries to his mind. I'd like to think that puppy and I balance out that part of J's life, but I realize we can also add to it. I think I did so when I tried to organize and clean up some of the clutter and chaos we have right now. I can smile about it now, but this morning J was convinced I had done something with his shoes, he just couldn't find them. He was sure I had moved them somewhere when he couldn't find them, and of course he was already a little late for work. Which led him to get a little snappy with me. He finally found the shoes - where he put them Friday after work - but not before he told me I couldn't go to work with a safety pin sticking out of the back of my pants - well, in my head it sounded like: "You can't wear those awful pants to work looking like that!" I can tell ya'll, tone of voice is everything... It's a good thing God matched us up. In His infinite wisdom, and raging sense of humor, He knew I could take it when J gets irritable, and that J can take it when I fire right back. The two of us are a pair. I'm almost too laid back for my tight-as-a-bedspring husband. We are opposites at the extreme end of the spectrum. But I do so love him, tone of voice and all.
I understand we may be getting some more snow here. I'd love to get a hint of spring sometime soon. Anything. I'd take a bird's song or a breeze with a touch of warmth in it. I guess I won't be getting that in this 18 degree weather. Despite this cold, we braved the snow yesterday for some bowling with friends. I hadn't been bowling in years and it was so much fun. I bombed since I'm not that much of a competitor, but J was a winner. And our friends, F and M, they were a hoot - so competitive! The bowling joint was nice, having been remodeled recently. It had couches for waiting on your lanes to open, and couches for the bowlers to sit when waiting to bowl. There were tables where you could eat junk food until you popped, and we were allowed to take drinks into the bowling area which was new. I drank regular Coke and had fries with cheese and bacon, mmmmmm. We played skeeball afterwards, won some candy, and left feeling fat and happy. Well, happy anyway, not really fat, just bloated a bit. Hubby and I didn't have to worry about fixing dinner at all when it was said and done. We just went home and snoodled with puppy and watched the tube. Now that's entertainment!
Friday, January 23, 2009
"You think dogs will not be in heaven? ...they will be there long before any of us." RLS
Lately, whenever I or my husband read about Belgian Malinois (Chief's breed), the literature will always state, "This breed is not recommended for first-time dog owners." D'OH! Even if we had known this about our puppy, after meeting Chief almost a year ago, I think we still would've picked him, and now we are so glad we did. Neither J nor myself can imagine our home without that dog. He has such a strong personality and is very attached to us both. Well, he's especially fond of J, that can't be denied. Chief watches J with an affectionate intensity that I've not seen in a pet before. If I put my mind to it, I could worry what would become of puppy should something ever happen to my J. But I'm not jealous. Puppy and I have our own attachment and bond. At night when we all go up to be to lay in our little "pack", he waits for me to get in bed and under the covers, then comes to lay up against me while I snuggle with him. He's so warm and sweet when he's sleepy too. In the mornings, when I get up and puppy comes in from his exercise with J, he almost always seeks me out and gives me a puppy "hug" where he leans up against me. He's just very special to both me and J.
In this picture Chief and I are having a serious discussion...
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